

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Staying busy

so..its been one week. keeping myself busy! when you have 3 kids there is No down time! the only down time you have is when you decide to not do something on the list. my list is never ending! i always have too much to do with the kids. mike being gone is forcing me to finish my list daily. kinda nice. on m-w-f while Michaela's at school i do my morning walk at beachwood. do my grocery shopping and before you know it I'm picking Michaela up. trying to find a walking partner!! i cant wait, soon it will be spring! I'm shopping for a new double jogging stroller, i think im on my 5th or 6th stroller. I've been sewing lately, i made the cutest burp towels for my friend Nicole. they came out really cute! I'm hoping this process goes quicker and smoother. i can handle being around my family, going out and about but its at night when i don't have a chest to lay my head on , no one to answer my stupid questions or have a "i love you too" reply. the one thing i have learned so far in my 81/2 years of marriage to mike, it does get more comfortable but the closer we get i fall more in love with him. we have really become good friends over the past 2 years. when you first get married you haven't reached your peak of greatness, i believe you develop it over time. i am so thankful God has gave me the Man God wants for me.

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About Me

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cleveland, ohio
ive been married for over 8 years to my husband Mike and we have 3 exceptional children! we have one crazy cat and everyday we miss our big fiona! one day i will have another cane corso! im on the go all the time with my kids, running them here and there. im wearing myself out all the time.